Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
什麼是需要? 什麼是廢物? 顧客要求的不是廢物。
1)定義"價值" : 顧客真正地想要什麼?
3)使非價值增加的活動減到最少: 這些包括WIP。
4)讓顧客拉扯(Pull) 產品。
5)連續追求改善: 問一切, 和總要求"為什麼?"
TONY LIM 19-Sep-2007 Malaysia
什麼是需要? 什麼是廢物? 顧客要求的不是廢物。
1)定義"價值" : 顧客真正地想要什麼?
3)使非價值增加的活動減到最少: 這些包括WIP。
4)讓顧客拉扯(Pull) 產品。
5)連續追求改善: 問一切, 和總要求"為什麼?"
TONY LIM 19-Sep-2007 Malaysia
什麼是精瘦的製造業系統? Lean Manufacturing
生產要求三個基本的元素: 人、機器, 和材料。(Man, Machine & Material)
精瘦的生產是有效地運用這些三個基本的元素, 減少廢和增長的生產力當改進質量。
實施精瘦的生產是一個長的過程,要求變革包含您的整個企業, 從原材料購買。
在您精瘦的變革旅途期間它是共同體會以下整體表現改善: Result
-行政週期 減少50-90%
-瑕疵 減少50% 每年, 以無次品表現可能
-新產品開發時間 減少75%
-資本化 成本降低50%
-交付前置時間 減少超過75%
-準時交付 改善99+%
-雇員態度 調查結果顯著被改進
-生產力 (銷售每雇員)每年增量15-35%
-存貨 (週轉資本) 減少超過75%
精瘦的生產是有效地運用這些三個基本的元素, 減少廢和增長的生產力當改進質量。
實施精瘦的生產是一個長的過程,要求變革包含您的整個企業, 從原材料購買。
在您精瘦的變革旅途期間它是共同體會以下整體表現改善: Result
-行政週期 減少50-90%
-瑕疵 減少50% 每年, 以無次品表現可能
-新產品開發時間 減少75%
-資本化 成本降低50%
-交付前置時間 減少超過75%
-準時交付 改善99+%
-雇員態度 調查結果顯著被改進
-生產力 (銷售每雇員)每年增量15-35%
-存貨 (週轉資本) 減少超過75%
Thursday, September 6, 2007
How do you change strategies?
1.) Understand your current strategy, then try to figure out a proactive long-term strategy.
2.) Try to figure out what it is you’re trying to do, accomplish, build and sustain with your business.
3.) Determine what is operating approach that will get you the greatest result you want in the fastest period of time on the most sustaining and enduring basis.
4.) Generate a list of the highest performing, most impressive, sustaining, successful and formidable companies you know of, inside or outside your industry.
5.)Take time to think about what their "big business" strategy really is. What is it they’re trying to do with all the tactics they mount.
6.)Take time to think through how they are doing it or accomplishing it. That’ll break out for you the difference between strategy and tactics. If you’ve done this exercise for one hundred companies, then ask at least a dozen of your friends to do it for you for ten or fifteen companies that theyknow.
7.)Then you can break down a combination of a couple of hundred strategies that you’ve identified and you can evaluate which ones (or composite ones) you can borrow, then combine together to forge your own ultimate replacement business strategy.
2.) Try to figure out what it is you’re trying to do, accomplish, build and sustain with your business.
3.) Determine what is operating approach that will get you the greatest result you want in the fastest period of time on the most sustaining and enduring basis.
4.) Generate a list of the highest performing, most impressive, sustaining, successful and formidable companies you know of, inside or outside your industry.
5.)Take time to think about what their "big business" strategy really is. What is it they’re trying to do with all the tactics they mount.
6.)Take time to think through how they are doing it or accomplishing it. That’ll break out for you the difference between strategy and tactics. If you’ve done this exercise for one hundred companies, then ask at least a dozen of your friends to do it for you for ten or fifteen companies that theyknow.
7.)Then you can break down a combination of a couple of hundred strategies that you’ve identified and you can evaluate which ones (or composite ones) you can borrow, then combine together to forge your own ultimate replacement business strategy.
Do you train your people?
Every dollar you spend in training will produce at least 20 times return annually
in yield.
Do you train your people?
How often or frequently?
Do you train your selling people in formal professional consultative selling?
Do you train your office staff in all the skill sets needed to perform at superstar levels?
Are they the most effective in efficiency or productivity?
If you can get each of your people 10% better in each of those categories, you’ve just doubled or tripled the effectiveness.
Or you’ll be able to achieve the same result from one half the staff, time or 75% cost.
in yield.
Do you train your people?
How often or frequently?
Do you train your selling people in formal professional consultative selling?
Do you train your office staff in all the skill sets needed to perform at superstar levels?
Are they the most effective in efficiency or productivity?
If you can get each of your people 10% better in each of those categories, you’ve just doubled or tripled the effectiveness.
Or you’ll be able to achieve the same result from one half the staff, time or 75% cost.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Reaction to an Out-of-Control Signal (Control Chart)
Reaction to an Out-of-Control Signal
•It is very important to investigate every signal of special-cause variation
–Without attention to the charts, those responsible will begin ignoring the signals
•Necessary to have a planned approach
–Verify that data is correct and has been entered correctly
–Determine if a simple explanation of special cause is available (e.g. parts were dropped)
–Verify process change by taking a bigger sample (>20). Use proper sample size to detect critical difference.
–If process change is real, assess process impact to determine next courses of action:
•Line shut down
•Root cause investigation
Out of control signals:
1)Main Indicators
•any point outside of a control limit
•any point outside of a control limit
2)Secondary Indicators
•any non-random pattern of points on a control chart
–shift or run
•any non-random pattern of points on a control chart
–shift or run

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